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Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: The Courthouse

Amelia Court House

Two freedom loving warriors made a choice without force or coercion to greet the dawn of a new day. The internal calling to improve oneself was so great no incentive, lottery or external prize was needed. According to the Amelia County Historical Society, it went a little something like this. Start at the courthouse and mosey around downtown to the public soccer field. This soccer field was to No Toll as road kill is to filet minon. COP SSH, IW, DQ, WWII, FB, Merkin X 20 Country Mile: Follow the approximately 1/2 mile loop and complete one burpee at each…

One freedom loving warrior fought off the fartsack to christen the newest AO. According to the county historical offices, it went a little something like this. COP – Light run around courthouse square. Hells Half Mile Burpees – Following a 6/10 mile route around town, complete a burpee at each light post. Hells Half Mile Pain Roulette – Same route as above. At each light alternate between 10 merkins and 10 v-ups. Compounding Four Corners – Corner 1 10 Squats, Corner 2 10 Merkins, Corner 3 10 WWII, Corner 4 10 Burpees. Hit each corner on the way out and…