Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

F3RVA Field Day 2019


The Second Annual – First Inaugural Installation of F3RVA Field Day is set for May 11th at Dogpile. This year the four teams will be divided into Nano Regions. Captains will be:

Tuckahoe: Kubota DaVille: Spit SOJ: Gumbo City Proper: Vinny*

Ideally each team is completely made up by nano region, but we’ll see. With that, choose team uniforms as you wish. Consider the gauntlet thrown. Team Tuckahoe, may I suggest flannel shirts.

I intend for the Ghost Flag to be up, but don’t have control of it. Whoever is holding it as of May 11th, please bring it to Field Day and put it up for grabs. Corporate thanks you in advance for your cooperation.

*YHC knowing the events will offer no advantage to his team. But see Wilson if you want to file a formal complaint. He mans the hotline.


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  1. SOJ Uniform is Tank Tops (or a Hooters t-shirt) and Jorts. Extra credit if they are homemade cutoffs. I have no doubt SOJ will bring the Ghost Flag to Field Day and leave with it.