Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

All the smells


Boberry, and YHC both had a busy day ahead of us but we decided to make sure we still got 1% better with another version of Premature Acceleration.

Great conversation as usual, but there were many different aromas in the air. Some fresh grass (more than one kind) We passed a house party (not THE House Party) that was still getting after it into the early morning hours. As well as what we can assume was some wake and bake driving by on Courthouse. Pollen still has a strong presence. YHC may have released some methane gas into the air, but it doesn’t smell, I promise.

With 20 minutes left we decided to push the pace and go for our own Courthouse 10k. We got the last 2 miles at close to an 8 minute per mile pace(not too bad by our standards) to finish out the 10k.

Good luck to my M as she’s doing the Monument Avenue 10k. And happy and safe travels to Boberry for his beach trip this week.


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