Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Discovering new areas and neighborhoods


3 amigos from the Bermuda boys(Posh, Shaw-Shank and yours truly) decided to do a little rucking this morning(I needed something after the week I had). We took off from the lot, ventured behind the football field where there’s a trail with a bridge. The trail once it gets warmer will beat great spot for sprints and farmers carries cause it gradually goes uphill so the legs will get a nice burn. After that we were in a neighborhood that the homes were very nice(probably in that 400-700k range). Walking around the neighborhood, seeing a couple little dogs yelping early in the morning as they saw us, nice and quiet good mumble chatter about the neighborhood, weather, the guys NASCAR adventure this Sunday. It was a nice stroll as we made our way back, spotted another trail for future investigating.

We returned, then we were figuring new things on our Garmin watches(Shaw-Shank had a Fenix 7, Push and I have the Instinct 2x solar). He and I received our Frosty badge for this morning, I will say we have a lot of things to still check out but when you can get a ton of battery life(right now I have 38 days left), I am sure the possibilities are endless plus wait as we get more sunlight and it fully charges on its own. 2.5 miles, we departed for our day ahead

i encourage those to either go to Dogpile or come to RNR(do the single or double ruck/workout) weather will not be raining (finally no offense but I can train in it after a while though I don’t want to see anymore). I would like to come out more, yet it’s hard working at Amazon with the hours I can post 3-4 times(5 on occasion) I am content. I think I am allowed a little give since I average 6-8 miles on an average night(hit over 10 Tuesday) I still get movement in. I have the Q tomorrow at RNR(the mind had new things and variations plus make sure I bring the right speaker). Close up and enjoy the day time, see you tomorrow


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