Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

11 dudes and NO injuries.


Good morning RVA Pax. We had a good day at THE Alamo this morning. Amazing work by all! Hard to believe we have only been at this thing a year!

Disclaimers provided. Encouraged, pleaded, and strongly advised to avoid injury.

Warmorama: Mosey to the Alamo bunker for 30x SSH, 2 rounds of conveyer belts (butt to wall, side walk along the wall, 10 donkey kick OYO, 15 x Copper Head Squats (CHS), 15 merkins, 10 more donkey kicks OYO, 20 Lil’ Baby Crunches (LBCs), 20x flutters, 20x Suzanne Summers (both sides). Recover.

COP #1: 11s in the Bunker. LBCs and CHS. Reminded everyone not to maim themselves on the slippery area.

Mosey the playground area to Pinery Way Court.

COP #2: Triple check: Lunges and Drydocks. Runner goes to a random lampost that wasn’t on. Dude in ram truck didn’t say good morning. I don’t think the 30 something dude walking Lassie wants to come and play with us. We’ll see..

Mosey back to the Alamo.

COP #3: Four Corners. Ask 4 dudes for favorite exercises..arm circles, APDs, merkin hammers, and WW2s. Prostitute style…10x/20x/30x/40x. Lots of mumble chatter about the burn. Feel the pain!

COP #4: To the thunder dome for 5x rounds of partner boo ya merkins (5x) sandwiched with 5x SSH and bear crawls. Nasty Nasty Nasty.

Stretch a bit with the Pax. Time.

1. Heist –> Bring out more fresh meat. Each one of us knows at least 1 or 2 guys
2. Boberry –> Sign up for Grow Ruck….at least come out and strap on a pack and try it out.
3. Warby –> ALAMO one-year anniversary Q coming up on March 18….come get some…spread the word…come support. Warby, Cookie, 3DD, and possibly Armstrong will do a redux of Vagabond’s Q that started it all…

1) Heist –> Pray for the injured PAX. Pray for the guys that are on the fringe of coming back to the fold…that they come back…and know that they will be WELCOMED back with a big bro hug.
2) Blacktop –> Praise that his Dad is doing better.
3) Futon –> Prayers for Spring Break.

Futon took us out. Thanks dude!

Closing remarks: Guys. The Alamo lit a freaking SOJ fire. Just think…without Alamo there is no Armstrong, Cookie, Three Doors Down or Warby. After that time, we had Wildcat get BlackTop to come out…without BlackTop there is no Swoop, Merman or Rudy. Warby also brought out guys like Waterbug, and others. Later on we had Walkie Talkie and Futon…without those guys there would be no Yeehaw.

Bottom line – bring someone new out. Some of these guys catch fire…and bring out more and more guys.

I have really enjoyed seeing this thing grow and happy to be apart of it.


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