Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Exploring New Ground: Brett Saberhagen Edition


With the names of mid-1990’s MLB all stars filling the air……..22 strong hit the streets of Rockwood Park. The following is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure:

To the Basketball Courts for Warm-Up:

Ukrainian Soldiers, Monkey Love Makers, Helicopters, Mummy Kicks, Alabama Prom Dates, Freddy Mercuries, Hand Release Merkins.

On the baseline for Butt Kicks, High Knees, Karaoke, Jumping Herpees, Bernie Sanders.

Mosey to the Side Road and partner up:

Partner one crab walks – partner two runs to the sign and back, then takes over crab walking. Greatly underestimated how long that road is.

Mosey up to Hull Street and gathered the PAX. One the way back – Gorilla Munch (??), Walking Lt. Dan’s, 75% Sprint.

Cut through the woods to the area behind the Dog Park for a Triple Check: Run to the fence, Bernie Back – Jump Squats – Heels to Heaven.

Beside the Dog Park: Another 75% Sprint;

Mosey to the Nature Trail, stopping at the Picnic Shelter: Dip Challenge. PAX does dips until someone hits 100 (Mudslide).

Run up the trail – stopped and did a Ponch style bear Crawl through a large mud patch.

Mosey down the trail to the Lake. Polar Bears back up the trail to the paved path.

One the way back, stop for Carolina Dry Docks Challenge. Dry Docks until someone hit 100 (Hermie).

75% Sprint up the parking lot. Mosey back to the basketball court.

3 minutes of Monkey Humpers until time is called.

Numbers/Names/Announcements/Prayer Requests

Hardywood took us out with some powerful words.

Final thoughts:

What a great morning! Amazing weather and lively mumblechatter. Hardywood was in the zone today. We welcomed a Downranger from Kansas City (Never2Late) who did the workout with no shirt – what a stud. Welcome anytime!

Lots of events coming up including Grow Ruck and related training; and The Frozen Triangle. As always – check Slack for details.



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