Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Flooded Trails


6 SOJ ruckers, an F3 runner and some friends met Off the Books for ruck training around TwinTeam. Draper and some coworkers ran off into the Gloom in search of some hills while the rest of us hit the streets toward Robious Landing Park. What looked like a cliff near the river turned out to be the overflowing banks of the James. As most of the trails circle around to the river, access was not to be found today. Hopefully not too much damage to the park or floating docks. The only reasonable alternative was hit the TwinTeam hill, the ruckers never broke stride and crushed the hill with ease in route to a 5k in well under an hour.

More ruck options this weekend – Saturday pre-RockNRoll, and Sunday 6am at the Pump House. YHC had my doubts about rucking but I am already seeing the benefits – cross training, easy on the joints, opportunity for more fellowship, and getting back on the trails around RVA. We’ll add more Off the Books options during the week so be on the lookout – join the #rucking or #GTE47 channel for opportunities.


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