Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

F3 Swag is on display @ the Alamo


12 SOJ beasts showed up to better themselves this morning on a beautiful 70 and sunny morning. Many showing off the new F3 swag! The shirts look great!

YHC started with a light mosey over to the warmarama – SSH, Cherry Pickers, imperial walkers, copperhead squats, merkins and flutter kicks

THE Thang

mosey over to the tunnel of love only to find that the tunnel was too dark for YHC plans so we quickly rerouted to the hill at the entrance to the neighborhood for some 11’s – squats and drydocks on the hill…

mosey back to the parking lot for 4 corners – prostitute style – 10 mountain climbers, 20 heels to heaven, 30 freddie mercury, 40 LBCs

mosey to snowman alley for some lightpole work…starting with 2 merkins and increasing by 2 at every snowman at the end of the street we turned around and starting with 1 burpee and increasing by 1 at each light pole back to the parking lot

Finished up with some mary – werkins, diamond merkins, sumo squats, jump squats, rocketts, arm circles, burpees, Lt. dans, should taps, WWII, windshield wipers

Time called

Announcements- sign up for grow ruck, frozen triangle details

Prayers for Futon’s sister in law, purple rains friend and wildcat

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning!


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