Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

My Shoulders are TOAST


9 Inglorious SOJ Repeat offenders join YHC in the Gloom for, take one of three, from my final week as an RVA native. There was immediate mumblechatter regarding my legendary “bell”. No surprise or concern as jealousy tends come out in these forms. The mighty bell and rock jams had to wait just a few minutes before they got things underway as we kicked things off with a lap around the school to warm us up a bit.

Warmarama –

Lap around Old Hundred, SSHs, DQs, Jazzercise for Nancy, Imp Walkers, Dead man hang C/L/R, Merkins, LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Windshield Wipers, Scorpion Kicks. I tried to keep a good cadence, but the Rock tunes were hitting so hard and so loud I couldn’t even here myself counting. Hope everyone kept up.

COP1 –

A lap around the speedway. Farmers carry with right arm to turn one. 10 KB Jump Squats. Farmers Carry with the left arm to turn two. 10 KB Jump Squats, 20 Thrusters. Alleluia carry down the straight away (Follow that Glorious Bell the Pax all screamed, and that they did to turn three. 10 KB jump squats, 20 thrusters, 30 overhead press. Farmers carry back to right to turn four. 10 KB jump squats, 20 thrusters, 30 overhead press, 40 around the world. Alleluia carry to the finish line, and FIVE burpees. At this point the mumblechatter turned from the love language regarding my KB to the pain in our shoulders. We just started fellas, let’s get it!!!

COP2 –

Triple Check. P1 runs to the donation box as timer. P2 KB American Hammers, P3 does KB overhead extension to crunch

COP3 –

Another lap around the speedway. Same principle as above 10/20/30/40 compounding with different exercises. This time it was 10 high KB swings, 20 sumo squats, 30 tea cups, 40 bent over rows. 5 burpees at the line.

COP4 –

Triple check. Same box for runner, but a new exercise I have donned as the VAJ-A-BOND. P2 and P3 doing the same exercise, but different sides. Principle is that Pax lays on the ground and bends one leg, other leg straight. With back flat on the ground, hold KB straight arm above your head. Raise head until sitting up, then thrust through the bent leg keeping alternate leg straight and blast those Vajabonds to the sky like a one legged prom date. Do one side, do the other at switch. This one burns so good and now I am forever with you guys. Use at your own risk.



Grow Ruck training underway, go get some! A brief thank you to all that came and those that didn’t. I appreciate you fellas more than you know and you all have changed me in a way that I not only needed, but made me so much better. It was also great to see House Party out with us this morning. I joke about my glorious KB, but this guy was man handling an absolute boulder. Strong work brother! McGruff took us out and everyone signed the legendary kettlebell as a going away surprise. Come join YHC at Timberwolf and Satan’s Hill this week before I bid you all farewell. Thank you all fellas and let’s make this week great!

Iron sharpens Iron




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