Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Traveling Riverside Blues


Well….the weather was humid to say the least(a nice day for December to go out and get in a great morning workout). A group of 11 brave souls(1 FNG) ventured to see what I had to offer this morning and I did not disappoint. After a little WARMARAMMA(SSHs, Don Quixotes, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats, Merkins and LBCs) we took a longer than usual mosey(I am sure others were going wait, what’s he doing). We hit a spot I have been wanting to try for a while, down the trail there’s a mini-hill so to start out: 3 rounds of uphill sprints with 10 merkins, jump squats, and WW2.

Next up: to one of my usual spots: partner up 25 hanging reverse ab crunches, 50 2-count Mountain climbers, 75 SSH(partner runs to the gate and back). A little mosey walk and run then onto the next part(the toughest one)

5 rounds: 20 V-ups, 20 Merkins, a little run around the speed bumps and back, then 20 squats(yes 5 rounds) that’s a tough one just the V-ups alone is hard but add the rest plus run takes it up a few notches.

Over to the concession stand wall for 2 1 minute rounds of Wall-sits(people’s chair) then the lot nearby for a 4 corner plank jacks with 1 merkin of a different kind(10-20-30-40 plank jacks, 1 regular, army ranger, navy seal and 10 count burpee)

Final part back at the starting point: 11s this time with murder bunnies and wide leg mountain climbers(I think we got to 3-4 then time was up) Count-outs, Names(welcome Chris(Bono) to the group) prayer lead by YHC to close out the session

Check Slack for future events(the Tacky lights run next week, 12 days of Rosie Xmas on the 19th). yes I do have a lot of Q upcoming this month: not for a set number but each one I am trying different things, adding something new to see how they work. My next one Tuesday at Bermuda already thinking of a couple of things that I want to try


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