Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Be Thankful and Grateful.


In the brisk, pre-rain chill, we kicked off with a thorough warm-up, including dynamic stretches. Farmer carrying kettlebells, we tackled single-leg curb Alabama prom dates for hamstring focus, followed by sumo squats and lunges. Transitioning to the next spot, we engaged in a core-intensive sequence: 1-minute planks, LBCs, side planks, heels to heaven, and Freddie Mercury, capped off with another minute of regular plank. The mosey back featured two sets of Murican/kettlebell pull-throughs, single-arm shoulder presses, and kettlebell swings. A reflective cooldown of stretching ensued, accompanied by a gratitude-sharing session. As the cold hinted at imminent rain, Three Doors Down led us in prayer, wrapping up a challenging yet fulfilling workout.

Not super intense today, but good overall body pump.


Great seeing Rudy 2x days in a row. Good luck tonight.

Keep on Cookie to get on that Q sheet. Your calf seems fine to me.


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