Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

If you can VQ for 70, you can Q for 9


If you have never had the pleasure of having your balls busted by Heist then shame on you! He spent 3 months busting YHC’s balls earlier in the year to join F3 and then every day after YHC’s VQ (9/16) to pick up another Q. If you can VQ for 70 PAX members, you can Q for 9 Pax members, so get your ass on the sign-up sheet is what I vaguely remember him telling me. Well, the ball busting ended today! Q taken and workout ready to go, until a PAX member (won’t mention names Warby) reached out and asked if there was a lot of running. YHC woke up at 12:30 AM and 2:30 AM to change things up a bit to accommodate for the 5-6 week lingering coughers. Here is what went down:

Warm Up: Mosey to the Graythorne entrance and back to the Alamo for the following exercises: SSH x 15, Imperial Walkers x 12, Arm Stretches x 4 way, Merkins x 10, Seated Butterfly Stretch, Freddie Mercuries x 15

COP 1: Parking lot curb block walks with Merkin between blocks traveling both right and left while 1 PAX member at a time runs loop around the Alamo. Performed curb block walks until each member circled the Alamo once. This burned the chest/shoulders way more than it seemed like it would at 12:30 AM.

COP 2: Partner up for Dora without running? – 100 Crab Walk Single Leg Extensions (2 count), 200 Box Cutters, 300 Ball Dippers: Partner 1 performs Dora exercises while partner 2 performs 7 Burpees – switch until exercises complete.

COP 3: Mosey to front of the Alamo for a Triple Check – Squats, WWIIs and runner up the hill to the Graythorne entrance.

COP 4: Mosey to the tennis courts for 4 corners: 1st Corner x 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 2nd Corner x 20 LBCs, 3rd Corner x 30 Mountain Climbers (announced single count, Wildcat requested double count, ask and he shall receive), 4th Corner x 40 Calf Raises with Raise the Roof.

Mosey back to the parking lot to circle up for ring of fire stretches for last few minutes.

Numbers, Names, Announcements & Prayers to include continued recovery from cardiac surgery for Warby’s father, Hermes surgery this coming Thursday and YHC’s coworker who just lost her mother to battle with cancer.

Thanks to all that showed up today and hope to see more of you out there this week. In all seriousness, the ball busting was completely worth it. I appreciate Heist getting me out there and introducing me to a great group of guys and a way to better myself physically, mentally and emotionally. You can’t help others fill their cup if yours is empty and the fitness, fellowship and faith sure has kept my cup overflowing! It was an honor to lead the group today and look forward to many more.


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