Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

“Band” Halen


PS…thanks to Purple Rain for the heading. Warning…this workout contains things that may be “painful” perhaps one where you want to come and try(read all warnings before coming to a Mudslide Q). A bakers dozen(13) came to the Southside, saw that I had the Q and wanted to see what did I have in store today. After a short warm-up(SSHs, Don Quixotes, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, Merkins and LBCs). It was time for the main part…..

Round 1:(Triple Check) Farmers Carry with the Cindies down and back, Incline Merkins, Thrusters with the bands

Round 2:(Triple Check) Run down to the stop sign Bernie back up, Swings with the cinder blocks, squats with the bands

For the remiander…..it was strickly bands with certain movements(first part skaters, next bernie runs) then finally why I enjoy the hill(if you have anything left, leave it all out). The hill was 20 seconds run, 10 seconds lunging, 10 seconds bear crawl you did that till you were at the top(extra bonus to State Farm for a double shot)

Back to the flag, put away the cindies, circle up, count outs names and prayer led by YHC to close it out

Lately I have been trying to figure out a lot of things(mentally and physically). Things have not been easy for me. I did lose my job at Capital On after nearly 19 years(let go) so in the process of looking for something new. It’s a huge thing to lose something after so long(hits hard) not only affects mentally but physically. I have this, it’s like a drug for me where I have to train so hard to help balance me a little bit. Do I struggle at times(yes)? I hold things close, I have never been one to let things out but yes I do struggle mentally with things and sometimes physically. Luckily I have those who are trying to help me, show me things that I never knew really existed. One thing it took me a while to learn that it’s ok to struggle. I will have ups and downs this is where I have to start to figure out the balance where things are not so extreme(ups and downs)

Have a good one….those coming to Rock and Roll tomorrow see you there be ready


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