Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Tuesday Cruise-day


4 runners and 6(!?!) ruckers enjoyed a beautiful early fall morning in the Atlee environs. Ruckers had a staggered launch to accommodate 5:00 and 5:30 start times. The early starters looped back to the start for the later starters.

The running PAX correctly interpreted the posted route to imply track work was in the offing. YHC inaugurated what is planned to be regular Tempo Tuesdays with some cruise intervals (4 X 5 minutes with 1 minute walking rest) at tempo pace on the gravel track. Some Davillians are signed up for the River City Half in the spring, and YHC thinks nothing beats a weekly tempo/threshold effort to safely improve aerobic fitness for these longer efforts.

Back at the COT, we did numbers and names. Opus was then voluntold to take us out.

A 2nd F at PBR Hanover on Thursday at 6:00 was discussed. Also, Davillians with athletic shoes they can donate should give the shoes to Corned Beef.


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