Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

wooooooo! Full moon for the Pax


Seven man wolfpax hit Timberwolf this morning for a nice and easy workout. Here is how it went down:

Warmup: Jog from flag back to the roundabout to check out the epic full moon this morning. Really stunning sight right as you came around the roundabout this AM. Mosey back to bus loop area for various stretches.

Thang: Two triple checks. One leg focused (squats and lunges). Next ab focused (flutters and LBCs. Mosey to tennis courts and did 5 merkins at each corner on right side and dry dock down left side.

10 minutes reserved for Mudslide Broga.

No, certainly didn’t kill it today. Body needs a light day every now and then.


  1. Lunch tmw at Rusty Taco
  2. Yeehaw VQ on 10/31 at Alamo.


  1. Boberry’s Dad has some medical issues. Pray for healing and strength for his mother who is caring for Dad.
  2. OC’s son tore his ACL. Poor guy has gone through several painful surgeries related to hip and burns. Pray for quick recovery.
  3. Little Liv. Keep praying for her healing and for her to thrive.
  4. Pray for Wildcat. He has important pet scans coming up 10/3. Pray for continued strength and kicking cancer in the teeth.

Thanks for letting me lead guys.


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