Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

B(Broga) before C(Convergence)


I put it out there before the convergence if anyone wanted to get loose and stretched before the convergence(come to the amphitheater 630am start time). What started as 3, grew into 6 as we got into one of my better flows. It started upper body moving to the lower, then those slow merkins(3 seconds down, hold for 3, back up for 3) getting things rolling. It was more of getting the lower body loose(runner’s lunge working on pulses to help get into the pose) deep squats, then rising up slow(5 count) with arms above the head.Last little bit working on the hips with one of 4 positions(L sit, L sit knee close to heel, figure 4 or full pigeon) then rising up into down dog and knees to elbows each side. Done then stroll over and get ready for the convergence


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