Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Mudslide’s Flex Friday


This time…I did not need to use a good part of the parking lot to set things up. My goal today was simple: cinder blocks and bands(trust me when you see the band part of the workout, you’ll know why). A ready to sweat 10 came out to see what is this word I hear about a Mudslide workout. Here we go:

Started with a little mosey run down the hill, back up and around the lot. After that, the warm-up circle formed up: a great warm up(SSH, Imperial Walkers, Ukrainian Soldiers, Apple Pickers, Helicopters, Jazzercise, Merkins, and LBCs). It’s time to put the work in:

First part….a triple check(ball dippers, WW2, run down to the curb with 10 toe taps). If you weren’t awake after that(something wasn’t right). A little break, then a mini DORA(100 cinder block swings, 150 ground presses, 200 mountain climbers) to move things along then it’s time for the bands

Band work is designed to work all the muscles more than usual, plus hitting those stabilizers that would not get worked on a normal basis. Round 1 was mini sprints(to the cinder block, partner calls out which side to touch) each person did 1 minute then it was on to side shuffles. That works the hips and muscles from the sides. 2 rounds of 30 seconds each, then onto what the Q is known for

Satan’s HIll. We had an even number so partnering up was perfect. The goal was to hit 3 different spots. First part going at 25% effort, second 50%, the final is all out max heart rate, max effort. If you went a little much on the first part(Cookie), you paid the price at the top. Everyone finished, Satan’s Hill was paid in full, back down to close up.

Circle count, Announcements(see Slack a lot coming up over the next few weeks), prayer lead by YHC

Welcome Leo(making a visit to us from NC) I am sure he’ll bring something he saw today back down to the home camp and tell them about the craziness at RVA. Gomer Pyle also joined us I am sure he along with others will be feeling this in the legs. Good news about Liv(she’s showing a little improvement). Look for an announcement about a possible special workout at Alamo.

If you want more, I will be at Rock and Roll leading another Q tomorrow. I will be there early to lead a little stretching/mobility session before, then the Q. Be ready, I will see you tomorrow


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