Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Ring of Mary?


16 Beasts came out this morning to start the week of right!

Warmup COP- SSH, Helicopter, Don Quixote, Cherry Pickers, Merkin, LBC

Jog around neighborhood ( Q trying to burn off some VQ adrenaline )with stops at each cul-de-sac for exercise ( merkin, squat, mountain climbers, up / down walk the curb, plank jacks

Then over to the hill for some mailbox work up and down the hill to each mailbox with increasing exercise at each (burpees,  jump squat, dry docks, lunge, shoulder tap, monkey humpers)

indigenous back up the hill with last man doing merkins before leading the line. From the top of the hill we headed to the courts

4 corners- 25 WWI, 50 mountain climbers, 75 squats, 100 SSH …

Triple check –  WWII, Diamond pushups and timer

a coupe minutes left for Swoop to create Ring of Mary ….after some mumble chatter we finished with MARY

SWOOP took us out in prayer.

Grateful to all who came out this morning for my VQ and grateful for this group! Make it a great day today!!


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