Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

What is your profession…(oh #@%k)


Disclaimer….sorry for the delay on the post(issue with the site not allowing things to work so taking extra time to post this). Once the word announced that it is back up, Florence already did his for Saturday, I am getting Friday’s in. An amazing turnout of 20(yes 20) came out to Satan’s Hill to continue their tours but also those rumors of a Mudslide Q. The amazing thing….I had 17 stations of work set up(I still needed 3 more), next time at the hill, I may need 25. I am sure people who pulled in and saw things trying to park were going WTF. I knew to get there early(5am) to set everything up, unload and be ready for what lies ahead.

The start…a little run down to the stop sign and back. Then WARMARAMMA(Imperial Walkers, Ukrainian Soldiers, SSH, Helicopters, Jazzercise(a callout to Nancy who was in NC). our new favorite(cherry poppers), Merkins and LBCs. Then a little mosey down to Spartan grounds. The request to bring toys out and see what devilish workout I had created.

There were 2 timer stations: a 50 pound sandbag carry up to the green transformer box, a bucket carry to the gazebo/dog park area and back. When you returned from the sandbag carry, this what lied in wait:

–Lawnmower pulls/Guerilla rows, Goblet squat to Tactical lunge, WW2 with the slam ball, Rainbow presses with the cinder block, Up Up Down Down with a plank jack, Toe taps, Odin’s Sledgehammer(a 25 pound sledgehammer(rubber) onto a mat

The turn made onto the bucket carry, after that you had: Upright row with cross press, Single V-up to Double leg V-ups, Tire Slams, A little boxing/mma with jab cross, hooks, upper cuts and front kicks with a 5 pound sand weight in each hand, Cinder block skull crushers, Jump rope(3 chooses on the rope ranging from 1 to the black one at 5 pounds) and battle ropes.

With about 7-8 minutes left….the bands were here. A round each of quick feet with change in directions. After that, broad jumps with a bernie back. A little stretching out, then time was up

Count outs, Announcements(see slack for updates and anything new that you might have an interest in), the prayer by YHC to close. Once again, thanks to Pigskin for providing water after everything.

A couple of final things….I made some changes recently, the improvements are starting to show. Before I leave home, I do a little meditation, then a little flexibility/mobility to get myself ready. One thing, it does help me to calm down early mornings(don’t feel so rushed) plus the mobility work is helping that I am moving a lot better. It’s a long road still, little by little things come together but it does take a good while to open up the body and get it to that point of moving in a way that feels great, loose.

When i am at a race, I always am amazed those older than me getting out there and knocking it out with ease. Pigskin no doubt at 70, ChaCha at 59 are those that you go ok i am in my 30s and 40s, if they can continue to come out, put in that effort each time than why can’t I when I am that age do it. Example I met a guy at my last race in NC(61), he started doing Spartans at 52, was 230 pounds way overweight made the change to better himself. He lost 75 pounds, looks amazing and also does wrestling tournaments at his age. Spartan on their social media has a woman who’s 71, been doing them the last 10 years and has a blast. What drives me…the ability to come out each time not only hang with those that are younger, but also keep pushing and showing what is possible as you get older

If my memory is correct, I will lead the Q at Timberwolf Thursday, stretch out do a little movement I will see long as I have power tomorrow at Alamo


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