Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Beer and Breast Milk


7 warriors gathered in the semi gloom to work with KBs. Here is how it went:

COP: DQs, DMH, merkins, MCs, FMs, LBCs Mosey to side of school away from Pump Road.

Catch me if you can with 3 burpees and walking with two KBs (yours and partners).

Triple check with two people/exercises: Bear crawl and run back, sit and press 3X. Mosey to front parking lot with 2 sets of 25 bench presses on the way.

Four corners with 10 burpees, 20 overhead presses, 30 coupon squats and 40 curls for the ladies. Mosey to bus loop.

One the mosey do 4 sets of rows first 10 each arm, escalating by 5 to 25 per arm. Did a couple of coupon calf raises on route. At this point in the mosey I overhead an odd conversation about drinking beer is like having breast milk. It made so little sense to me and Attila thought it was a good backblast title so I went with it.

At the bus loop lunge to the fire hydrant do 10 swings, walk to the other side do 15 swings, lunge another 200 feet do 20 swings and then walk to the starting point do 25 swings. Mosey to home base and add some tricep work because some ladies like triceps.

Finished with American hammers and DMH.

Prayers for Mr. Rogers and his son Lincoln and safe travels for Attila to visit his home state of Bama. There is a weekly gathering at Dunkin Donuts at Lauderdale and Broad Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Join them if you can.

Thanks again for letting me lead.

Fireman Ed


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