Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

First time cruising the Boardwalk


YHC awoke early to the sound of raindrops on the tin roof. Exhaustion after taking hospital call last night was screaming to go back to sleep, but was properly ignored in anticipation of a VQ by Boardwalk, who has been a loyal attendee this last month of Ground Zero. At the age of 10, and still carrying a bit of childhood weight, Boardwalk is on the cusp of leaving childhood behind, and it can be seen in the way he carries himself, all the more since joining F3 Ground Zero. He’s gone from being the six to being the servant leader going back for the six, and YHC was super proud on Thursday to hear him volunteer for the Q today. What a stud! YHC left the headlocking and Q-planning up to him, and he delivered an awesome beatdown! This kid LOVES merkins. He also learned a hard lesson today that what folks say is not always what they mean, and with just his brother and YHC in attendance, he’s already re-strategizing his headlocking for next time. From the rainy Easter-weekend gloom of PNG’s Western Highlands, Yours Always, DTH


About Author

Joined F3 at NoToll 9/25/18. Started The FORGE 4/4/19. Fealty to SOJ. Follower of Jesus Christ. Pediatrician. Missionary. Husband to the M since 2005. Papa to a couple awesome 2.0's "Oreo" & "Banjo".

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