Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Ground Zero – strong start


Brothers, posting from Papua New Guinea, I wanted to share a quick Backblast for this morning’s first bootcamp here on Kudjip Hospital Station, AO titled “Ground Zero”. The temps were in the 60’s with a warm sunrise during our 45min sweatfest. Two FNG’s posted, longtime Surgeon Dr Ben Radcliffe and his son Matthias, aged 9. Here’s how we got a strong start for the reinvigoration of F3 in PNG:

Warmerama: Circle up on the “soccer field”, F3 welcome, review of core principals and credo, and encouragement to modify however needed. Then we ran a couple laps and jumped into the usual DTH top to bottom IC exercises to warm up. YHC was already out of breath at this high altitude just calling cadence!

COP #1: Run to the bottom of the long gravel road (maybe 200 yards), groiners IC, then return to the top in variable movement – sprint, lunges, backwards lunges.

COP #2: Triple Check – Merkins, Lt Dans, Run accross the field and back

COP #3: Mosey nearby and circle up for Mary IC: Boat/Canoe, AmHam’s, Flutters High, Flutters Low, Rosalita Dips, Dolley’s, Mtn Climbers, Carolina Drydocks, and maybe a few others

COP #4: Mosey around a large building, stop for Carousel Planks 20 yards on a low concrete wall, then inverted plank walk for the 2nd half. Mosey to a nearby wall for People’s Chair and Hoedowns

COP #5: Mosey a ways then stop at a concrete wall for IC reps of Dirtry Hookups and Donkey Kicks

COP #6: Catch me if you can BTTF – moving partner bear crawls, other guy completes x3 burpees the mosey’s to catch up

COP #7: Circle up at the virtual flag and complete 6 minutes of mary – just a ton of core exercises IC

COT: Numbers #3, Names (x2 FNG’s), Prayer of Thanksgiving and Supplication

NMS: On YHC’s last trip to Kudjip, there were MANY lonely mornings until a few regulars started keeping up with the dedicated Tue/Thur/Sat bootcamps, so you can imagine my joy in having a couple hearty FNG’s for today’s first return post at “Ground Zero”. Dr Ben Radcliffe is about my age, and grew up here on Station, his father Dr Jim Radcliffe served as a surgeon here for many decades and now Ben carries the mighty mantle. Towards the end of the bootcamp we did a little stretching and he was super tight in his quads, then said something funny like “they don’t call me The Quadfather for nothing!” And boom – that’s how you get an awesome nickname. Haha. His son Matthias loves basketball and got the nickname “C30” after the legendary Stephen Curry who wears the #30 jersey. All in all, an awesome start to the next 6 weeks posting 3x/week here. Praying for more men to come try out F3 Ground Zero and ignite a fire in this community. Sending love back to all my F3RVA brothers, DTH


About Author

Joined F3 at NoToll 9/25/18. Started The FORGE 4/4/19. Fealty to SOJ. Follower of Jesus Christ. Pediatrician. Missionary. Husband to the M since 2005. Papa to a couple awesome 2.0's "Oreo" & "Banjo".

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