Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Balls in the Mist: Reprise


12 warriors and the ghost of Toga gathered in the mist for 45 minutes of Mary. Here’s what transpired:

COP: Mosey to corner of Grove and Westmoreland. Deadman hang // Helicopters // DQs // Acorn Pickers // Imperial Walkers // Ukranian Soldiers // 1 legged APDs // LBCs // Hand release Merkins // Inverted Crabcakes // Elbow Plank to Pickle Pounders // SSHs 21s // 5 burpees

Lindsay: 30 Dips at the Picnic Tables // 10 Merkins at the school entrance. Repeato decreasing and increasing by 5, always total of 40.

Dodge Ball! : Mosey to the Tennis Courts. Teams of 6. When you get hit, run to the other end of the courts and do 3 burpees, run back and then jump back into the game. Headshots allowed. After 5 minutes, whichever team has the most players on the court wins. We played 3 five minute games, Team A (aka “shitheads”) won one game and Team B (aka “awesomeness”) won 2 games.

COP back at the flag, American Hammersx50 IC.

Numberama, Namerama, YHC took us out.

NMS: It felt like a reprise of the most commented BB ever with the misty weather and plenty of slippery balls. Many amazing sports-center worthy plays, and many terrible middle aged men throws. Handshake had some highlight moments, TYA is surprisingly wily, and Shiplap likes taking out men nearly twice his age. so much fun!

Praying for comfort, peace, justice and change for the people of Uvalde and for our violent society.


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  1. Next time I’d like to play with bigger harder balls that leave a mark when you get walloped by one.

    Ghost of Toga, lol, like he’s dead and haunts Munford.

  2. Always a fan favorite, I got to get the competitiveness out of me early in the morning, nice job everyone.