Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Wild in the Streets


8 grizzled gloom veterans and 2 young whipper snappers linked up at Huguenot High for another round of the Forge. With YHC’s incredible playlist in the background, the atmosphere was set for an epic affair. Here is a summary for your viewing pleasure:

Mosey to the Elementary School. At each light do ascending WWII sit ups. Started with one and worked our way up to 10 or so.

Warm-up with questionable cadence that consisted of:
Don Quixote’s, Arm Circles, Helicopters, Incline Merkins, Freddie Mercuries, Dead Man Hang, Cherry Pickers.

Mosey to the lower parking lot for Exercise One:

The Mystery Box: One man pulls a card out of the Mystery Box and calls that exercise. He runs to the top of the hill with the medicine ball while the PAX performs said exercise. Rotate down the line.

Exercises completed were as follows:

Copperhead Squats
Incline Merkins
Carolina Dry Docks
Lt. Dan’s
Monkey Humpers
Crawl Bear across parking lot
Hand release Merkins
Hello Dolly’s
American Hammers
Sprints w/10 Second rest between
Jump Squats

Mountain Climbers

Exercise Two: Everyone holds plank position. While listening to Wild in the Streets by The Circle Jerks – do a Merkin every time you hear the word “wild.”
Total of 34 Merkins and 2 minutes 34 seconds of planking.

Back to the flag for numbers/names/announcements.

YHC lead us out.

Final Thoughts: Great effort by all today! Was particularly impressed by the 2.0’s, who ignored my suggestion of not using the medicine ball on the run.

The Mystery Box is retired to the closet, but will surely make future appearances.

Predictably, YHC’s playlist received mixed reviews; although dare I say leaning positive?? Next time I will just play the Back in Black album in its entirety so everyone is happy.


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  1. House party at Hitchhiker’s house on Saturday.
    Flying Squirrels game coming up – may be too late to sign up.
    RVA Summer Tour continues!

  2. I was fine with the variety of the mix Chaplain. Any morning I hear Iron Maiden AND Bananorama before 0600 I know it’s gonna be a good day…