An unknown number of underlings did their thing this morning, either on their own or with a group. The main thang was a big loop while running with old glory to show respect for the tragedies of 19 years ago.
North on Westmorland. East on Monument.
4s turn right at Boulevard.
5s turn right at Allison.
6s turn right somewhere around Stuart.
All work our way back on Grove.
Great work to a great crew this AM. Thanks to Faceplant and Marv for sharing carrying duties today. As was noted, YHC took the first and last leg and claimed all the glory.
Ping me if I missed someone in the PAX.
– Beer mile coming up one unknown weekend at the Carrilon
– Cornhole signup for the 10/2 retreat is still open
¡Adiós Muchachos!
1 Comment
Great run this morning!