Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Breakin’ the Seal


Mysteriously YHC ended up on the Q sheet for his VQ (solo Q) and was joined by 10 other chiseled warriors and here’s how it went down.

COP in parking lot

    20 side straddle hops

    15 dead man hang

    15 imperial walkers

15 helicopters

    20 LBC’s

15 Scorpion Kicks

7 of Diamonds  4 rounds

    7 Burpees

    14 WW2’s

    21 Merkins

    28 Squats 

Triple Check 3 rounds

    Balls to wall


Runner takes a lap around cones

  Heartbreak 1 2 3’s (On Heartbreak Ridge)

     Run Up – Crab walk down

     100  Merkins

     200 Squats

     300 LBC’s

Back to flag for a little ring of fire: 10 merkins of your choice.

Announcements: Hill run and HDHH at 5:30 at YHCs place. Choppa (Gypsy’s son) is going to VMI in 3 weeks. Rah Virginia Mil. Good luck and God bless, and congrats on choosing the road less traveled my friend.

Bible verse for the pax:

“For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.” Romans 14:8

Attila closed us out in prayer.


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1 Comment

  1. Glad you stepped up to the plate Probation! Nice VQ. Not sure if the version of 4 corners we actually did was better or worse than what we thought we heard.

    Now sign up to Q again so then you’ll have more Qs for 2020 than Handshake…