Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Spider-D: Post-Blast


A handful or more of men did their homework and followed the pre-announced route…employing various start and end times. For once, YHC had few questions and mis-directions, and smart-assery was limited to the associated pre-blast.



Swirly: Needs a haircut

EF Hutton: Needs a better haircut

Gomer Pyle: April 24 – Inaugural Deep Run Park Friday run…see aforementioned for details

TYA: He and Olivander are planning an inaugural Quarantine 50 miler from W-Burg to Richmond on the capital trail in the coming weeks. See one of these two lunatics for details.

Saab Abides


About Author

One who abides and is prone to sophomoric and juvenile humor.


  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Good route Saabski !
    Beautiful morning for a run – enjoyed it fellas !
    See y’all in the gloom..

  2. Wedding Singer on

    Thanks for clarifying the routes Saab, Westview was fine to pass through as you confirmed. Hope the note about Harlen helped any rogue 5 milers. And I finally found Iris!

  3. Much appreciation to my pre-blast editorial team. Who knows where the PAX would have wound up had you not identified my mis-labeled street names and dead-end roads.