YHC thought that it was just going to be he and TYA for the Roller Coaster run this evening, but as YHC pulled into the parking lot behind Palani Drive, he was happy to see Posh already parked and ready to go. Not far behind, Ronnie showed up ready to go and then, the man himself, TYA pulled in and met us at the corner ready to start, except, his running shorts were on inside-out. Now, if you don’t already know, TYA has some challenges with running attire. Well, this attire looked like Florence Griffith Joyner with her underwear outside of her running shorts. After realizing his mistake, TYA hid behind the bushes and made things right.
The route was Palani Drive to Granite south to Cary St. Crossover carefully and proceed to the hills Tempsford and Kennondale. Only this time it was going to be Kennondale only. Continuing the interval theme from Splinter and Spider Run yesterday, YHC called out intervals up Kennondale after we got to the bottom of the hill. Two minutes up as hard as you can and three minutes down to recover. Five repeats were had and then we proceeded back to Palani Drive. YHC saw a Kennondale local and thought he knew her from college, but it turned out to be someone else. Kinda embarrassing.
Back at Palani Drive, the four runners met up with Handshake, Lockjaw and Vinny who had secured the big table on the patio. YHC is proud to announce that Lockjaw still has 100% attendance for F3RVA HDHH’s! Well done, LJ!
Some of the topics discussed during HDHH were as follows:
-William and Mary stuff
-Kayaking the James
-Summer Tour
-Lab Rat’s devil horns
Great time tonight and we will do this again soon!
Please keep Swirly and his M in your prayers and be ready to help them out with whatever they need. We are here for you, brother!
Enjoyed it! Have a great night!
Damn…it appears you fellas were hard up for discussion material. I best show up next time to give you a broader range of topics…
Like bananas?