These are the participants I have:
Wedding Singer
EF Hutton
Lab Rat
Anybody else?
Anybody looking to carpool? I am coming from Mechanicsville. If you can convince me it’s on the way, I’ll pick you up. Anybody bringing food? Since it looks like a smaller group, I doubt a full blown camp site is in order, but if folks will hang out we can do something.
There are 21 slots available, if you are on the fence and haven’t signed up yet.
I’m on the southwest side of the city, will be traveling out from home that morning. Entertained by the idea of sharing a few cold brews after the run Lab Rat. Would also be able to share grub but if we’re shy on the attendance maybe just the liquid lunch this time.
Shakedown is also running. Lab Rat, I’d meet you somewhere on the way to carpool. 2nd F could be fun. I’m happy to bring some food, or we could go somewhere.
I knew that, but missed his name going thru the list of registered runners (I also missed mine).
OK, so here is a tentative plan, since the weather will be beautiful: I will make a pot of chicken bog on the tailgate of my truck. I have a propane stove and Im not afraid to use it!
It goes well with good bread and butter, somebody else want to grab that? Drinks? Bowls and spoons? Note: alcohol is not allowed in the park, but we have always had it…you just have to be discrete.
I’ll pick up Hutton from a predetermined spot along the 295/64/288 corridor. Anybody else is welcome to join up.
Count me in if I’m not out of the way. Can meet at predetermined spot. I can bring bread and butter. I can also designated driver it if need be. If we have no takers on the other stuff I can grab some of that too but I would rather spread the love. Looking forward to it.
My experience with state parks is that whatever is in a red cup is nobodies business – I can get bowls spoons / snacks whatever else is needed.
Shakedown and I are carpooling from his place in Bon Air Sunday morning. I can bring stuff too, though it seems most other needs are taken I’ll likely bring some beers (a couple real beers there Lab Rat) and solo cups.