Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Road Runners or Sidewalk Runners?


16 pax showed to a beautiful morning with the Strawberry Moon shining bright to get in some miles by bike or by shoe.  Here is what went down, from the shoe point of view:

Route:  Carillon route in reverse.  The lone 6 miler (MARV) had to do the extra loop first before catching up with the pax.


Snookie and Lab Rat were quite comfortable acting as sweepers this morning for the first half of the run, until all hell broke loose.  It started with TYA without his spectacles taking Flat Line and Swiper on an extended route.  We saved Taxi from the same fate.  We were then looking for Swirly, and it took a little bit to figure out he went back the way we came out.  MARV caught up to the tail end of the 5 milers around this point, and Lab Rat did his best to hang with him for a bit, but lost the pace on the hill up Grove.

Saab rolled out of the Rover this morning limping.  He tried out the leg, but it didnt go his way.  Heal quick, man.

So, the title came from an altercation the pax had with a grumpy cyclist.  This guy decided to start yelling at us to get on the sidewalk after what seemed like he was going to try to thread the needle between MARV and Lab Rat.  “Angry Cyclist” was answered with many explatives from the pax….led by YHC, by the way.  Probably better ways to handle it, but at least we didnt knock “Angry Cyclist” off his bike and SHOW him the sidewalk….so we got that going for us, which is nice.

Apology of the week goes out to Angry Cyclist.  I’m sorry you have so much hate, and I’m sorry that I told you to F*** off….kinda.

Other than Saab not having the runs and meeting Angry Cyclist, it was an absolutely stunning morning for a run/bike.  Everybody go out and have a great day!

Prayers of healing to Saab and Circle K’s father.


Lab Rat apologizes.



About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. As a cyclist, I take no ownership of this Angry Cyclist and opinion that runners should go on the side walk. Runners should actually avoid the sidewalk as the concrete is terrible to run on and side”walks” are for “walking”

  2. By land or by sea, a jerk is a jerk. This one happened to be on a bike. A beach cruiser to be specific.

  3. Just learned a runner was struck and killed on Main and Lombardy at 6 am today.

    As all PAX appeared to make it back ok, let’s all be grateful and continually careful out there.