Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Going to Deep Water


2 Pioneers and 3 Faithful and 1 Jacksonville PAX member rolled in early for Earthworms Pre-Game at Gridiron, to be joined by 2 more Double Dippers. 18 faithful posted at Dogpile for a mild,wild workout.


The Rest of the routine at Gridiron went something like this:

Mosey around Parking Lot for a COP

Warmup COP: Side Straddle Hops (SSH) x 39, American Pushups (Merkins) x 12, Flutter Kicks x 32, Low Slow Squats x 25.

Run to backside of Short Pump Middle School, planking along the way to keep the pax together.

Middle School Bus Lot — Ark Loader: Lunge Walk; Bear Crawl; Crab Walk;.

Run to tennis courts for Burpee Suicides: Run to first sideline, 1 burpee, back to start; to second sideline, 2 burpees, back to start; to third sideline, 3 burpees, back to start. going up to 6.

Bleachers for Linday’s, Step-ups and Dips.

Run back along middle school arcade, mixing in lunge walks and bear crawls.

Run to Pouncey Tract Park football field — COP for Push-o-rama: Merkins x 10; Werkins(wide arms) x 10; Peter Parkers x 10; Diamonds to failure, Repeat Sequence.

Run to Pouncey Tract Park football field for a COP — Six Minutes of Mary: Little Baby Crunches, High Slow Flutters, Heels to Heaven, X’s and O’s.

Ring of Fire: Merkins and Box Cutters both ways


Return to parking lot for COT with TYA taking us out


Mosey to Ampitheater, Ascending and Descending Merkin Ladder up the steps. First step 1 Merkin, Bear crawl to third, 2 on next and repeato until the top. Disclaimer was done as part of the first exercise. Mosey to Love hill. Teams of two, one PAX run to gate (look out for Bobo), and other performs exercises. Switch and repeato until everyone hits the gate. Exercises are Lunges, walk out merkins, and broad jump burpees. Mosey to bottom of the half pipe for a 1k – 5k. One pax run up the half pipe, take a left and make your way back down to road. Other PAX performs exercises: 100 Burpees, 200 Merkins, 300 Captain Thors, and 400 2 count flutter kicks. Mosey back up Love hill and to the shovel flag. COT by YHC and out into the day.


Bleeder departed Dogile mid-workout with Circle K, Circle K headed to a Tennis Match, Bleeder headed to Q at Gridiron. Earthworms passage of going to deeper water was excellent. At Gridiron, Bleeder basically doubled the entire first workout the pioneers experienced over year and a half ago. Even the elements of Keeping the PAX together, White Deer plowing forward, but having knee replacement has slowed his running speed( However, not his Bear Crawls). Way to push through White Deer!

TYA stinks, literally. At the first circle up at Gridiron, TYA quickly noticed a rank odor coming from the PAX. Of course, as is his way, he let everyone know that there was an issue. He quickly found out, once he moved downwind, that the issue was his. WOW, has he taken a shower all week. To remedy that situation, Bleeder doused TYA with a bottle of water after the workout.

Skipping the initial COP and going right into the exercises was different today. TYA had a lot of work scheduled and did not have extra time to spend on items he could take care of during the exercise regimen. When we got to the Amphitheater, feedback from the PAX was instant, as I declared yesterday that I did not want to do anything in the Amphitheater. As I thought through the workout, the amphitheater is one of the best assets at Dogpile and it seemed a waste to not take advantage of it.

Lots of mumbling and grumbling about the exercises and number of exercises during the 1k 5k. The Q hearing the feedback immediately decided to make no changes. Timeframe ended up being really tight, but we did get back to the shovel flag at 7:01 (no extra charge for the extra minute of workout today, its already includedin your fee).

During this week several PAX members asked both TYA and Bleeder about the Corporate Challenge of Q’ing every day of the week. Like most CSAUP’s( Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless) there was no reason for doing it; other than “can you?”. Most things F3, “can you?” is the operative question; Everyday has it’s own challenges, Work, Family, Friends, everyone has a challenge that they are facing. Some may seem simple, others overly complex, F3 is a simple challenge, but it’s a choice. Take the red pill.

TYA and Bleeder, over and out.


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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Great work todays guys. Always an honor to lead this fine group of men, I am humbled.

  2. No ever told me we had a choice of which pill we could take!!! Maybe missed that on love hill..

  3. Honey Do RVA on

    Like your tribute to Ali TYA with your rope-a-dope about the amphitheater yesterday. The 1k5k was tough, we’d still be there if we stuck with the 4 count American hammers.
    Nice to see Mr. Rogers post, welcome back!

  4. Great way to wrap up the week! It is great to see so many different faces in the group across the week, I echo TYA’s sentiment about how humbled I was throughout the week. F3 RVA has a great PAX!
    TYA, Now you should try working out at every AO in RVA, #BrotherhoodoftheSalmonPants!
    Ilene great to have you in RVA this weekend, Sorry about the Kinks’ song Reference during the Push-o-rama. You were cranking!

  5. Bleeder and TYA are beats! Way to make it thru a very tough challenge! Looks like the crowds came out for you all week, too.

  6. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great Job Bleeder/TYA – but I would expect nothing less from you both!
    See y’all in the gloom…