Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Loops


13 Faithful Posted at two AO’s with the weather 70 and Sunny.


At River Run

3.7- 4.9 mile loops around Tarrington and Betty Weaver Elementary. Up Hill both ways.
COT by Bleeder

At Punisher

Mosey to COP
16X Don Quixote
8X Merkin

Mosey to Bus Loop
Curb Crawls Latter up and down to 8 Merkins

Mosey to Corner of AO

Four Corners around the AO for 30 Minutes
1st Corner 32x Box Cutter
2nd Corner 16x Merkin
3rd Corner 32x LBC
4th Corner 16 Lt. Dan’s

Restrictor Plate if you lap someone, 10 burpees

Mosey Shovel Flag
16x American Hammer
16x Rosalitas
16x Alabama Prom Dates



The similarities between River Run and Punisher, both are on Mondays, and center around a local Elementary School. The similarities pretty much stop there.

As Bleeder was entering the AO at River Run, he was almost positive that he saw Swirly leaving the parking lot to head to Punisher. Both AO’s were secure, no Seal Team presence to be seen. Thanks Swirly!

The discussion of Shark Week at River Run was a good start to upcoming interesting week. TYA’s muttle chatter—apparently lack thereof– at the Punisher was noticeable until after the COT when Fudd thanked those that helped on Saturday for the Amish(non-Amish) Shed raising Party, Special thanks to Toga for getting there early to help lift Fudd’s wood before everyone else. Apparently, early morning wood has the most ants.

Bleeder’s run was interrupted by shoe tying competition which included a mid-run weight loss challenge; Bleeder finished first at both. It should be noted that the signs in Tarrington need have the words added “Leaves of three, let it be.”

TYA reported that Punisher was in need of Grass Cutting services, Lab Rat, Hardywood, Honey Do; here’s your chance to show off the F3 mowing prowess.

Despite the Clear instructions from the Q at Punisher, Fudd questioned the Q on the restrictor plate and it’s functionality. To quote SAAB, “It’s a Fricin’ Triangle People!”

TYA and Bleeder out!


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  1. Always good to launch into Monday with the Support of all the guys in F3 RVA!

  2. Great run this morning gents. Uphill both ways still didn’t slow Rosie down.

    Sounds like Punisher was a solid beatdown…32 box cutters is a hell of a 1st corner. I think the fact that the number of Burpees in the restrictor plate wasn’t a multiple of 8 was what must have thrown Fudd off.

    Sounds like an interesting week ahead – #TakeoverWeek.

  3. First day if the corporate takeover and it’s a shared bb. Watch your six, pax!

    Hoping tomorrow brings out a record crowd in support of team bleeder/tya.

    Honorable mention to swirly for picking up the third ao.