Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Picture, or it didn’t happen


YHC covered hospital call for the second time yesterday (Mon), and it was a tough day, but thankfully the the last call was around midnight, so YHC got a solid 5 hours of sleep. Having committed to the rest of Station that YHC would be present at Ground Zero every Tue/Thur/Sat during our short stay, there was no question about posting this AM. As it would turn out, recently named Quadfather was feeling sick, so YHC had a 45min solo sweatfest, as follows:

WARMERAMA: Various combination of IC warmup exercises with moving warmup exercises. 5 minutes in and already out of breath – this altitude is for real!

THE THANG – x3 Rounds of the following:

  • Station 1 – Variable Upper Body exercises – such as alternating incline merkins and dips on the swinging chain fence, burpee broad jumps, polar bears, walking Lt Dan’s, etc
  • Station 2 – Mosey to the covered area for abb work – pole smokers, variable type LBC’s, WWII’s, etc
  • Station 3 – run down long gravel/stone road (watch your step or break your ankles) to the bottom, complete variable reps (burpees, opus, groiners, etc), then run back to the top to start over

6MOM, then Solo Number, Name, and COT with some powerfully Spirit-led prayer for the unknown challenges ahead.

NMS: It was the perfect way to start a new day, even if solo. What a blessing to be here, to have the strength of body and self-discipline to kick my own tail. Also the time afforded YHC an opportunity to reflect on some of the wild medical diagnoses faced in the ER and hospital, and the heartache of having to pray multiple times a day with people dying, or the parents of those babies who are dying. The motto of the hospital is “We treat, Jesus heals”. Every time YHC is here, it takes time to fond peace in this chaos, and trust Jesus to do the most important kinds of healing. Also during the workout, YHC affirmed the resolution to post every Tue/Thur/Sat, even if sleep-deprived post-call. There are few stronger testimonies than that of reliability. Also concluded the Solo-Q Rule #1 = remain close to the start point for potential late-comers, and Rule #2 = remain visible to main throughways to invite potential FNG’s. YHC got two headlocks this AM for possible attendance Thursday. Brothers reading this, thank you. Please keep praying for the Lord to work through me here, whether that’s in the gloom or in the hospital. Yours, DTH


About Author

Joined F3 at NoToll 9/25/18. Started The FORGE 4/4/19. Fealty to SOJ. Follower of Jesus Christ. Pediatrician. Missionary. Husband to the M since 2005. Papa to a couple awesome 2.0's "Oreo" & "Banjo".

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