Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

IPC Downrange


1 solo Davillian showed up at F3 Grand Strand’s Wednesday AO The Oyster. YHC found the AO empty at 5:55 (6am start time). After waiting to 6:05 with no signs of a PAX, YHC headed by to his Beach house for the week, grab Grandpa Duke (Father-in-law) who has been YHC’s proctor for the IPC the last couple year when there is no PAX around.

We headed back out to the AO (which is a baseball field) and got things started

This is how it went down


IPC Week 2 – Wheel of Misfortune

Place coupon at Shovel Flag.  Start timer.  Complete a 400m run that starts and ends at Shovel Flag (do not carry block)

Pick up block and complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag

Rifle carry coupon to cone A (please completely move beyond/around cone)

Complete 25 Decline Merkins at cone A

Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag (please completely move beyond/around Shovel Flag)

Complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag

Rifle carry coupon to cone B

Complete 25 Blockees at cone B

Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag

Complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag

Rifle carry coupon to cone C

Complete 25 Weighted Squats at cone C

Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag

Complete 10  Thrusters at the Shovel Flag

Rifle carry coupon to cone D

Complete 25 Kettle Bell Swings at cone D

Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag

Complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag

Rifle carry coupon to cone E

Complete 25 Vertical Block Presses at cone E

Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag

Complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag

Rifle carry coupon to cone F

Complete 25 Alpos at cone F

Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag

Complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag

**This completes one full round** 

Rinse and repeat for 43 minutes. 


Since YHC knew there was a good chance that this week’s challenge would require a coupon, I made sure to bring with my on vaca a 35lb KB. Well turns out I would needed.

YHC had to make some changes. Since I went about this this solo with just a proctor made some changes. Still used a SF but didn’t have a cones so simply did my best on the measure as well. 400M was easy since I do have a watch

Got 3 rounds completed and w/ one more set of Merkins/Thrusters as well

This once was tough but IPC should be



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