Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Swirly never loses


12 of Richmond’s finest met Mary to dust off the cobwebs and start the day

COP: SSH’s, Don Quixote’s, Merkins, LBC’s, Scorpion Kicks

Mosey to back parking lot at Reveille

Triple Check: Partner 1 does Dips on the Picnic Tables, Partner 2 Flutter Kicks, Partner 3 Run to down the parking lot to the wall and Bernie Sanders back.

Four Corner, ascending: Corner 1: Hand Release Merkins, Corner 2 Merkins + Flutter Kids, Corner 3: Merkins, Flutter, and Mountain Climbers, Corner 4: Merkins, Flutter, Mountain Climbers, and SSH’s. Rinse and Repeat starting from the top and descending.

Mosey back to Mary

Pull Up Bars: everybody circles up. Man # 1 Does a form of 10 pull ups while everyone else does WWII’s. Rotate until everyone has completed their 10 pull ups.

Announcements: Puppy Pile this week at 7:05 at Dogpile

NMS: it was a nice morning today, smaller crew than normal at Mary. Today is Mr. Holland’s 2 year anniversary with F3. He texted YHC yesterday to say he had tweaked his back and needed some coverage. YHC was honored to take the Q since YHC doesn’t lead enough and needs his hand forced at times. There wasn’t much mumble chatter except Saab and TYA. Drew (FNG) is a buddy of YHC’s and today he accepted an open invitation from a few months ago. Todays’ backblast pile comes from a conversation overheard from Swirly. For those of you that don’t know, Swirly is competitive, very competitive. YHC overheard Swirly saying something about never losing at exercising, and then the conversation went downhill from there to non-publishable levels, it was funny. SYITG


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Way to work guys – Happy Anniversary Mr Holland – hope the back gets better soon. Thanks for stepping up to lead Handshake .
    See ya;ll in the gloom..

  2. Oh, it’s publishable: the start of the phrase was… “Whether it’s on the field or in the bedroom,…”

    Welcome, Roxanne.

    Nice to partner with Saaby and TYA. Hope Vinny is feeling better.

  3. Solid beat down, the parts I experienced anyway. I wish I was feeling better for a tour of TYA’s church, that’s always a nice field trip. Thank goodness for construction sites.

  4. Wish I could’ve been there! My back had me on the floor Tuesday morning and it’s not back to fitness just yet.

    Two years has flown by – the workouts don’t get easier, but little by little we do get stronger! Thanks, gents.

  5. Sorry to hear about your condition. I hope it heals soon.

    I do have a question about your injury. Handshake suggested that (and I’m not making this part up) “Mr. Holland farted and thrown out his back.”

    1. Did you fart on Tuesday?
    2. Was the fart in #1 above the reason for your back injury?
    3. As I was recently “out” with an injury, I am worried that, should I fart – and I do -, I may re-injure my Achilles. Do you have an opinion on this matter?

    Thank you for your candor. Feel free to DM me if this is too personal a subject for the group.

  6. While I did in fact fart on Tuesday, it’s unclear whether that was the trigger for my back letting me down that morning. And while I’m pretty sure I have had fart-related injuries, I wouldn’t worry about the Achilles in that. Most of mine have been blunt force trauma when my wife hits me for farting in close range.