Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

ABB – Not This Time


15 stalwarts and 1 FNG showed up at NoToll expecting a Swirly style beatdown but got Rosie instead.   YHC stepped in to lead the PAX in some old school fun with Swirly placed on the temporary DL.


Mosey to the  parking lot for warmup.   25xSSH, 15xIW, 15xHillbillies (w/ hop), 15x hand release merkins,  25xFlutterKicks

Mosey to the first field for Dora, Partner up for 100 merkins, 200 LBC, 300 squats. P2 runs the length of the field  Plankarama

Mosey to the other, non-brown water, soccer field for The Beast.  Round 1 Q’s Choice, PAX pick after first round

  • Round 1 – Burpees
  • Round 2 – Burpees (Wilson)
  • Round 3 – Merkins (Flatline)
  • Round 4 – Merkins (Flipper)
  • Round 5 – Box Cutters (DK)
  • Round 6 – Burpees (Jville)

Mosey back to the flag, numberama, namearama and YHC took us out.


See Wilson for golf tournament info.  May 19 Good times will be had by all while raising money for a good cause.

Starting April 3, RiverRun will effectively become a Monday run again.  A new bootcamp will start on Fridays at Bettie Weaver.  Names for the new AO are under advisement – The Swamp RVA, Twin Team, Trojan Wars


YHC offered to take the Q for Swirly, knowing it was likely the Dr. was to sideline him for a little while.  The man is a machine but sometimes even machines need some time to be repaired, get better soon.  Those showing up hoping for less running for a Swirly Q were sorely disappointed as YHC took the PAX up and down the fields, the long way.

Not sure what Honeymoon saw across the circle during the hand release merkins but he compared it to a spider humping a monkey, or something like that.  Whatever it was it caused YHC to lose count while the PAX within earshot struggled to complete the merkins.  I’ll leave out the name of the offending PAX member as I am not 100% sure who it was.

Wilson’s attempt at an All Burpee Beast was thwarted by Flatline, much to the appreciation of the rest of the PAX.  The selection of Jville for the last round was purposeful with YHC knowing he would choose burpees.  Some of us are predictable in certain situations and that can be a good thing.  Thanks for not letting the Q down Jville, YHC didn’t want to be the one to break the news to everyone that another round of burpees was in order.

Golddigger and Sabotage showed up, each for their second post, and crushed it.  Welcome to “Ball Boy”  YHC reconsidered the name after not being completely satisfied with the name selected.

I am never surprised but always impressed by the effort everyone puts in each morning.  Great work today, a pleasure to lead such an excellent group of men.


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  1. Solid Q, Rosie. Those burpees were no joke. Thanks for the creativity on the 2nd round, Wilson. Impressed to see 2nd timers GoldDigger & Sabotage. Welcome, Ball Boy…glad you finally made it out.

  2. Rosie – well done. Can’t move my arms. I have still yet to complete an all burpee beast. Was hoping it would be today! But nope! lol welcome BB – nice job!

  3. Solid Q Rosie. I’m smoked for sure. Big ups to Jville for bringing the pain and suggesting burpees for the last beast round. As for the COP quote, I think it was “looks like a beetle humping a spider”. Fun times gents. Be super.

  4. Great job Rosie! Thanks for leading today. Running full length on the fields is no joke for both the Dora’s and the Beast. Also, I think if Mick Jagger were at No Toll today he would have said…”I don’t want to do…no Beast of Burpees”…and I would have agreed. I am glad though that we got a lot of burpees in though as I needed that work.

    Welcome to BB and good to see some 2nd timers in action today.

    Til next time.


  5. Johnsonville on

    I was pretty much last to finish the burpees every round (and nearly fell over after the last round). Good call! Thanks for stepping up and providing strong leadership. Great job PAX!