Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Die Hard with a Vengeance


Nine movie fans were super happy to take part in another Die Hard morning at Heartbreak. We started with a review of Die Hard and Die Hard 2. That started with running up and down Heartbreak Ridge 8 times and doing a warm up exercise in between including Cherry Pickers, Ukrainian Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly’s, Merkins, Copperhead Squats, and Arm circles (each direction separately). With the stairs to the 9th floor blocked, we hit the ventilation shaft and Bear crawled up the hill and ran back down twice. We separated those with an ode to Die Hard 2 and some Bird Dogs and then Plank Bird Dogs.

The basic premise of the third Die Hard movie is solving riddles to stop a bomb. I had three riddles (two from the movie and one I made up) and Burpee Bombs planned if the riddles were not solved correctly.

First riddle was from the movie and involved a man going to St. Ives. It is a riddle hidden in a math problem distraction. Like John McLain, the Pax failed and did not have Zeus (Samuel Jackson) to find the simple solution. We did ten burpees to light the fuse and then went to the baseball field and split up on the bases. Home plate was the timer at ten burpees while each base also did burpees until relieved by the previous base. Roughly 40 burpees later, it was time for another riddle.

The second riddle involved the school name change 8 years ago (which the Pax got-Byrd) but did not connect it to the next location, the basketball courts. Another Burpee Bomb exploded. We partnered up and one partner did an exercise at the wall while the other ran to the opposite end and did ten burpees before coming back to switch. We rotated through exercises and 9,8,7,6,5 burpees until we finished. 45 burpees later and rounds of flutters, reverse crunches, LBCs, peoples chair with milkers, heals to heaven and jump squats and we had one more riddle from the movie.

“What has four legs and is always ready to travel?”. Lighthouse got the answer (An Elephant) so we went back to the flag and never got to 100 burpees. Old Handshake was sad: “More Burpees” he said. Instead we did some Plank Jacks, LBCs and SSH to end the morning.

The first of the non-Christmas themed Die Hard’s, Die Hard with a Vengeance is a great movie. None afterwards are worth a watch so I will need to wait until Christmas time for a Die Hard only Q. I think we can defeat Hans Gruber and his crew again. Heartbreak Ridge will be waiting for us, maybe with some snow next time.


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