Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

On Average, We Ran 4 Miles (and Some)


Eleven total studs chose to carry more at the latest edition of The Dogpile. Conditions remained 70 and sunny. According to the young fillies Senor Frog considered pursuing, the following might have happened.

Silent direction to partner up. Goal: On average, maintain a steady pace between the partners. Example: Gomer partners with Garbage Plate, etc.

Mosey to the entrance to Maymont. Circle up.

SSHs x50 for the six. (Move for a car). Dead Man Hang. (Move for a car). Imperial Walkers. (Move for a car).

Mosey to the Nature Center.

Triple check. Timer runs the small loop (rounds 1, 3) and the middle loop (round 2). Heels to Heaven, American Hammers.

Mosey to the Port-a-Potties. Circle up while HoneyDo drops the kids at the pool. Audible: meet HoneyDo at the next stop.

Mosey to the Amelia Street School Grassy Knoll for 11s. Run up the hill, WWIIs, and back down for Monkey Humpers.

Circle up for some yoga. Downward dog, right leg high, left leg high, pigeon left, pigeon right.

Mosey to the Hampton Street / Maymont Parking Lot, circling back for the Six.

Circle up at the end of the parking lot. Identify Trash Cans 1 and 2. Start at 1. First man runs to 2 and back. Second man starts with 50 merkins (on his own), and splits 100 deep squats and 150 SSHs with his partner. (Note: Each man must complete his own set of 50 merkins during this evolution). When the partners switch, celebrate the transaction with 3 boo-yeah merkins each time. Circle up for the Six.

Mosey to the Corner of Kansas and Hampton and take the North Bank Trail down to the canal bank. Inhale deeply before approaching the Canal. Hold breath (whoosh, that was some stank). Circle up at the stone wall.

Triple Check: Balls to the Wall, dips, and run to the gate in the fence. Completed roughly 1 round before time was called.

Mosey in the general direction of the shovel flag, stopping at the start of the dirt trail, then at the North Bank Parking Lot, then at the corner of Pump House Drive and Park Drive for the Six. Then, finish with a Bro-Code run back to the Flag.

Numbers, names, and YHC took us out.


GTE47 today. Lots of hard work has been put into the prep. Good luck to all participating, If you missed the sign up, just show up, wear black workout clothes or a Richmond Police uniform, and have fun. Be safe. Remember: a bunch of dudes lined up military-style with black glow sticks on their hats carrying a black boat on Coronado Beach at 3 a.m. is called a normal Wednesday night. A group of grown men marching military style carrying telephone poles, American flags, and backpacks on Cary Street at 3 a.m. on Saturday night is called both fun / torture (if you are participating) and odd / abnormal / and possibly frightening if you are walking / driving past. A good leader will be kind and patient and humble.

May Weight Loss Challenge is under way. Participants challenge themselves to lose 5-10% of their weight, unless you are Whitesnake, and then you join a Weigh Loss Challenge with the goal of not losing weight.

The Clinic (and, of course, Whitesnake) heads west tomorrow for a few days in San Diego. Reminds YHC of the sign above one of the local buildings along the beach. “Choose to Carry More.”

NMS: Solid work today. The PAX brought it. 60 minutes of constant movement. Way to go.

The PAX were also a little nervous that YHC was taking them to an outdoor drug market in Oregon Hill. Quite the contrary – we were headed to an off-campus port-o-potty so HoneyDo could disgorge last night’s wings. This called for the resurrection of a route Hardywood used some years back. No time for lolly gagging on this one. Every minute was used. Again, way to go, fellas, in particular the Gomer / Garbage Plate “On average we ran for an hour” partnership. Nicely done.

UpChuck spits the bit.


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