Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

SCary Four Corners


YHC posted downrange with the South Cary, NC (SCary) PAX today. Pretty cool to do a beatdown in my childhood neighborhood, even if childhood wasn’t that long ago for me.

Launch at 0515 with the pledge of allegiance at the shovel flag, followed by a half-mile mosey to circle up for Warmarama. The main COP was 6 rounds of four-corners with each round isolated to one movement (mostly abs) and increasing reps at each corner. Forty curb/step calf-raises at the completion of each round. Welcomed one FNG who was named Cornell because he went to Brown.

Ended in COT and then met up with two other AOs for coffeteria nearby. About thirty men including Water Wings who posts in Westhoe from time-to-time.

No immediate sign-ups for GTE-47 despite YHC’s sales pitch.


About Author

Joined F3RVA at NoToll 6/13/2023. Disciple of Jesus. Married to Courtney. Dad to Ellie and Nora. Commercial builder with Hourigan. JHU baseball alum.

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