Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

If a Bear crawls in the woods, does a Pax hear the gains?


1st time as Q. Started with warmups: Side Straddle Hops, Arm Circles, Ukranian Soldiers, Don Quixotes, Imperial Walkers, Ballerina Toe Squats, Oblique LBCs.

COP #1: (Basketball Court)

DORA. 2 PAX Partnered up, reps of 100 merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 squats. Partner did the reps, Partner 2 bear crawled along one side of the basketball court, lunged on the second side and sprinted back on the third leg.

COP #2: Bataan Death Crawl ( Playground)

19 of us in a single file line bear crawling around the playground circle. Guy in the back of line did 5 burpees, tapped the guy in front of him then ran to the front of the line.

COP #3: 4 Corners (Soccer field)

4 corners at the soccer field. Corner 1 – hand release merkins, Corner 2- squats, Corner 3- world war 2s, Corner 4 burpees. Went around three times, increasing reps by 7 (7, 14, 21)

Announcerama: GrowRuck coming up next weekend. Pumped!

Thank you all!


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