Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Where are the blocks hidden, Kubota?


Seven FW Regulars assembled in the FW parking lot wondering what YHC had in store.

“Where are the blocks hidden?”

“Why do we need headlamps if your ankle hurts, Kubota?”

“Does your ankle really hurt?”

“Why do you look like a fat Prince Harry?”

0500, let mosey!

To the smallish, triangularish park for COP:

DMH, DQ’s, Heli’s, Ukr. Soldier’s, Imp. Walkers, Merkins, Scorp. Kicks, Inv. Scorp. Kicks

Mosey to the bottom of one of EF Hutton’s hills and Plankarama

“Where are the blocks hidden, Kubota?”

Partner up for several trips up and down the hill. Partners switch running the hill and doing AMRAP exercises which included: WW2’s, Reverse Crunches, APD’s, LBC’s, Hello Dollies, Rosalitas, Cross Leg Lifts (L) and (R), Scrunchy Crunchy Frogs, Flutter Kick’s, American Hammers and V-ups.

“Where are the blocks hidden?”

Mosey to the top of the hill and keeping same partners work your way back down the hill. Partner 1 bear crawls while partner 2 does 5 HR Merkins. Catch up to partner and switch.

Back up the hill, same format with Lunges and 10 SSH’s. Switching as you go.

Back down the hill, same format with Crab Walk and 3 Burpees. Switching as you go.

“Where are the blocks?”

Mosey back to the VSF completing a travelling Lindsey of LBC’s and Squats.

“There are no blocks”


Numbers, Names, Announcements and YHC took us out.

Solid group of WestHoegeans this morning (with one SOJ/WestHoe dual citizen). Tales of Spring break excitement, kitchen counters, home projects that include the M, hardwood floors, extra visitors, pool cleanliness and other random stories that can only be understood at FW, were told this morning. Handshake woke up 40 minutes before Broga started and was still late. Not sure what was occupying his time…

Thanks for putting up with me and the sore ankle this morning. I think we worked our abs some.

Have a great day!



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