Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Do You Have Your Life Insurance?


4 Early Risers made it out for what will now be known as Premature Acceleration. Starting at 5am, we hit the streets of Mayfair Estates.

Lots of chatter on many topics this morning. Consensus of the group was PapaJohns is the best national pizza chain. YHC likes Marco’s out of the chains, but was told they are regional. The book 1984 makes Heist cringe.

YHC’s leading of the group across the streets reminded Heist to give the PSA to the group to get enough life insurance, after our near death experience crossing Hull Street.

YHC reminded everyone to pack baby wipes in their ruck sack.

State Farm was out doing a hybrid ruck/run by 530. We’ll give him the big data point. He got a PR for distance on the whole day, with 10 miles in 2.5 hours.

Swoop led PAX on a 10 mile ruck of his own into YHC’s neighborhood along with Heist and others. Sadly, they didn’t do any yard work at my house, as I requested.

YHC and Boberry were part of the first part of the ruck in the trails around Rockwood Park.

Beautiful morning, and great to have so many PAX coming out so early!


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