Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Mickey Doesn’t Stop for Fun Runs


One mouse-ears wearing fan club member strolled forth for the latest non-fun-run, Mouseketeer lovin’ version of The Clinic. Temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to the multiple levels of security around Coronado Springs, the following might have happened:

Short walk to the lake, the mosey clockwise around Lago Dorado. After about 1/2 mile, stop for the COP.

SSHs x30 (all exercises 4 count, unless it’s stupid to do a four count, and all were OYO)
Don Quixotes x10
Imperial Sky Walkers x 10
Dead Mouse Hang
WWIIs x20
Frederick Mercurys x20
Snow Princesses x10
HRMs x20

Mosey 20 yards to the bench. Dips x20

Mosey around the property, generally trying to avoid the lake / route used by the Fun Run for the conference YHC is attending. Mix in exercises in a traveling COP fashion. Exercises were a motley, including decline merkins, WWIIs, LBCs, dips, HRMs, Rosalitas, monkey humpers (especially for the security cameras), squats, and merkins. One set of Balls-to-the-Wall with shoulder taps. Let’s call it 20 stops and 30 sets of reps overall. Probably 1.5 miles.

Arrive at the large parking lot, similar in size to the Godwin lot (football parking). Set up in a circle-ish fashion with a central road through the lot, this area contends annually for the Guinness Book of World Records for most Stop Signs per Square Foot in the world. YHC counted 28 stop signs. Disney is terrified of plaintiff’s lawyers (note: with the recent changes in Florida law, plaintiff’s lawyers are finally being held in check in Florida – finally). Perform 10 or 20 reps of an exercise at each stop sign. Rotating exercises. Mostly merkins, squats, LBCs, monkey humpers with others thrown in for good measure.

Finish with 5 burpees at the bus stop.

Number, name, and YHC took himself out with a bit of thanks for a very pleasant vacation last week, and a lot of thanks for YHC finds himself this year.

Prayers for YHC’s pal Lockjaw and his family. Hope Dad is doing better. Prayers for Faceplant and his daughter’s purple cast.

NMS: Disney only does things pro-style. Somehow, each thing is better than YHC expects. Hats off to Mickey and his crew for putting on a good event. Hats off also to the un-named Dad who was watching cartoons with his 2-ish year old daughter in the lobby when YHC went to work out. He looked like he was at the end of his patience and super tired, yet he stuck it out for another 45 minutes. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.


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