Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Four Notch?


Three on time pax and another racing in after going to Gridiron by accident, took off in search of the famous three notch markings on King’s Highway.

As we entered the Three Notch neighborhood, the Pax realized we’ve never been to the closest neighborhood to the AO.

Made of 3 cul-de-sacs, we warmed up in one and the ran to the next and started a round of 3 exercises. Starting with 20 merkins at the first, added 20 squats and the second and then added 20 reverse crunches at the third. We repeated the sequence with 20 lbcs, then added 20 HRM and then added 20 heals to heaven.

We then left Three Notch and went to Short Pump Park. At the Pavilion, we did 20 step ups (each leg) and 20 dips, did a lap and then 20 incline merkins and then 20 dips. No tree markings there but plenty of others at the dog park.

We then ran into the village to get some more distance in and back to the AO at 3 miles.

It was a warm sweaty morning. The theme was 3s, even though Lighthouse showed up to mess it up. He must have been thinking Gridiron because he was considering signing up as Q…


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