Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pink is for Everyone, B*%#@es


A bakers dozen of stargazers took to the darkened streets of Tuckahoe, some with appropriate eye covering, in anticipation of a once in a lifetime astrological event that previously occurred in 2017. According to the custodial staff prepping for such rare events, this is what occurred.

Mosey to front of the school for introductions and disclaimers. Warmups included invisible jump rope, helis, jazzercise, dead man hang. Mosey over Bodo’s lot in search of drier ground for hand release merkins, LBC’s and light broga work. All was warm, so let us begin.

Gather some coupons from the recently replenished donations. Partner up for triple check. Timer runs the lot, wiper merkins and big boy WWII’s with blocks.

Partner up bringing one block with you to the bank lot. Timer runs around the bank while partner performs mobile exercise with block. Exercises included curls, lunges and military press. Alternate when caught from behind. 2 laps were completed.

Back to the church lot for a 2nd triple check. Timer runs the loop in opposite direction. Coupon exercises included standing skull crunchers & chest press.

Return coupons to the pile and mosey back to the front of Tuckahoe for 11’s. Incline merkins at the stairs/bike rack with squats at the top of the stairs. Finished early due to time constraints.

Numbers/Names/Announcements/Prayers: Good luck to Faceplants 2.0 on surgery to repair broken arm. Prayers to Lockjaw as he goes thru some physical ailments for him and his papa.

YHC took us out.

NMS: Great numbers and mumble chatter as spring break tales were plentiful. YHC wanted to dive into the recently replenished coupon pile that Upchuck had donated a few weeks ago. Thank you gents for starting the week strong. Don’t look up at the sun today.


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