Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Westhoe Fault Line


A Dirty Dozen descended upon the HBR parking lot awaiting YHC to take us to the normal COP spot. According to the Shadowboxer on the track we instead did:

COP at end of the track: Invisible Jump rope, Imperial Walkers, Don Qs, Ukrainian Solders, Merkins, LBCs, Scorpion kicks. Head over to school exit for Curb Crawls. Up to 5 Merkins and back down.

Mosey to the benches after a thwarted attempt to get on to the field. Triple check consisting of: Benchkicks, Squats, run to Heartbreak hill, up & back. Mosey over to Jerkin Gym: 4 rounds of 7 Jerkins. Head up to the top field for 2nd installment of Touch-a-Pole. 3 rounds.

Mosey back to main lot & partner up. Wheelbarrow across entire lot. Head back to flag for 2 min of Mary. Prayers for Bocelli’s Mom (and family) and for Handshake’s cousin. YHC took us out.

NMS: While the world struggles with borders and conflict in the middle east, F3RVA deals with their own border definitions. The only certainty, amongst all this chaos, is Heartbreak Ridge sits in the center of the Westhoe region, straddling the line of Tuckahoe and West End, and always draws a good mix of PAX from all over the area. The only other given is it isn’t a beatdown at HBR if you leave with dry shoes.

Good to have Bocelli in from Greensboro and Mr Holland back out at HBR for the morning. Touch-a-pole was such a success last week that YHC brought it back out. Hopefully Atilla burned those shorts he had on after soiling himself in the COP.


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