Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Least Popular of Spider Run


Fifteen humans and one dog collected in the commons basin to this fabulous Tuesday edition of Spider Run. No complaints from anyone so off we went.

The Route

  • Loop in front of the commons then up the stairs and beside the chapel
  • Make another left then back to the bat cave direction before heading up Ridgeway
  • Collect ourselves at the bottom of Ridgeway while letting the other gaggle of runners go by
  • 2 intervals up Ridgeway, continuing on the second to a left on Roselawn
  • Stop halfway down Roselawn for 2 more intervals, continuing on the second to a left on Campus
  • Collect at the bottom of Old Mill for 2 more intervals, then continue down Campus
  • Collect at the bottom of Bostwick for 2 more intervals. Actually, we had time for 3.
  • Easy mosey back to the VSF via the most direct path

Numbers, names, YHC took us out.


Even though the hype almost skipped Spider Run, the energy level was high. Pretty much everyone knew what was going on, Anthrax being the least surprised of the bunch. We may not have confused the dog, but we certainly confused all those runners we passed on Ridgeway.

There were various comments from the PAX that they figured something was up when I put out the poll a few weeks ago. Turns out there were no clear and decisive victors. So what does a strong leader do when there are no clear winners? Dictate of course. So we chose 4 hills that received no votes and did intervals on them. While we may have reached the top of two of them, it was still a great combination of hill repeats.

Anytime someone wants to surprise me one day and plan some intervals, feel free. Seems unfortunate I am the only one able to give out this much joy on a regular basis.

Two highlights of the day for me, both on Bostwick. While running beside Chippendale, we made the first turn and his expression said it all. No words, simply a grunt and a groan. Yes, Bostwick sucks.

Second highlight was on the second interval on Bostwick. Faceplant didn’t break story for the entire 1 minute interval. YHC made sure to indirectly call him out by reminding the PAX that if you can tell stories on Bostwick, you aren’t doing it right.

Enjoy the day fellas.


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