Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Any Day Now Clark


9 Tuckahoe Natives and 2 Traveling Regulars made up a merry band of 11 sleep deprived titans of the morn in effort to make the world a better place. All problems were quickly solved and then forgotten but here is what will go down in chronicles of history.

Timer arrived so short mosey around the church parking lot and back up to the brickyard for introductions and disclaimers. Warmups included DQ’s, Helis, Jazzercise (with toe taps), Dead Man Hang, Merkins, LBC’s, Dying Cockroaches, Suzanne Summers and APDs.

Mosey back to church parking lot for a variety of triple checks. Round 1: Timer runs to vans and returns to find partners performing Curbside Merkins and WWII’s. Round 2: Same timer with Air Press Wall Sits and Heels to Heaven.

Short Wosey to the VIP Church parking area to allow Kubota to hear the answer to his question to Swirly followed by 11’s . Donkey Kicks and Merkins. Bear Crawl between, lunge back.

Return Mosey to brickyard for Mankillers that turned into 5 minutes of Mary (core concentration) followed by brief Broga session.

Numbers, Names, Announcements (See Slack), Ronnie took us out.

NMS: After weeks of traveling off campus it was YHC intent to remain close to home. Good mumble chatter throughout. Good to see the return of Bacon Bits, Swirly and Jack Sparrow for the 2nd week. Also nice to have Billy Surf branch out to other Tuckahoe AO’s. Great job by Ronnie taking us out with meaningful words after being put on the spot. Great work today fellas. Broga season will soon be upon us. Enjoy the slumber while you can.


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