Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

(Circus Maximus) Walk a bout.


9 Young men beat the sun up this morning to explore some newish territory and get in some steps. It was mildly warm out with some stars and satellites to watch over the pax.

Here is what YHC somewhat remembers…

1- Burpee then a mumbling kettle bell toting pax moseyed to the stadium parking lot for some quick introductions and disclaimers. COP- SSH, Don-Quixotes, Dead man hang, Ukrainian Solders, Fudd, Wilson, HRM, WW2, LBC, Scissor.

4-Corners in stadium parking lot. *Watch out for all the cars. Not sure what they were doing up so early. 10-Curl, 10-Squat, 10-Overhead, 10-Benchpress.

Mosey to Admin front parking lot for a Triple Check. Timer ran around the parking lot island while we did Squats & Curls.

Mosey to front bus loop. 20-Curb Dips + 20 Merkins. X3…

Mosey to front left corner of school stopping at every single tree on left side for (2) Kettle Bell exercises. YHC should have counted the trees first. A lot of trees to admire.

Found the wall for 10-head, knees and toes, air punch’s & donkey kicks.

Mosey back to the flag while doing (2) more deep kettle squats at every overhang pole.

Mosey back to the flag for a COT. Attila took us out with a super inspiring prayer. No Prayer requests and only one announcement. Come visit Senor Frog Monday at HoeDown for his 1 year Q.


About Author

Sales Professional at Woodfin. 804-246-3158. ISAIAH 6:8 Jborden@Askwoodfin.com 9094328@Gmail.com

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