Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Well Executed Plan


3 intense SOJers hit the streets early with weighted packs to find some treasures but ventured back to the AO to join YHC and Bullseye for form focused beatdown. As you can see YHC had a very detailed, well thought out plan for the beatdown, much to the surprise of the PAX.

Warmed up with some standard stuff that the PAX modified to accommodate various injuries. (Anyone know a PT in the PAX, they could make a living treating F3 guys).

Over to the pull up bars for a few slow easy pullups with no confusion on the instructions, mosey/lunge/mosey to the front of the school. Find for a bench, only 35 to choose from yet somehow I was the only one with a bench to myself. Alternate between slow dips and single leg squats – Bulgarian Split Squats if you’re looking for the technical name.

Front of the school for the rare quint/quad check – runner is the timer, HRM, APD (1leg if you got it), deep squats, leg lifts. 4 times through, just for variety. More dips and BSS – more lunges and mosey, a few more pullups. Close out with 6MOM. Goal for the day, get some solid reps in, enjoy some fellowship, and not wear anyone out for the Frozen Triangle – mission accomplished.

Frozen Triangle tomorrow – see 1stF channel for details – 6am at Dogpile

Lots of ruck options around RVA – come try it out to see what the excitement is about.

Lots of good discussion post workout about family/friends, the damage that can be done by alcoholism and other diseases, and keeping in touch with the ones you love. Thanks for sharing gentlemen and thanks for letting me lead.

Have a great weekend, enjoy your sleep if you can get it.


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